News ◦ 17—12—2019

NEUROPUBLIC’s Christmas party for children

News ◦ 17—12—2019

Following the tradition of the last years, NEUROPUBLIC organized a Christmas party for the children of its employees. Despite the heavy shower, the event was held with great success on Saturday December 14th, at the ice rink of Ice n Skate in Athens. More than 50 children and their parents participated in this celebration.

Christmas figures such as a reindeer and Santa Claus elves welcomed both the kids and their parents at the party.

Our younger friends were transformed with face painting and drew festive figures with the drawing set provided by the elves.

The older children and the more adventurous parents had more than two hours of fun doing ice skating on the rink, under the guidance of experienced trainers.

All guests had the opportunity to taste traditional and other original Christmas sweets, savory dishes and hot beverages, while kids showed a special interest in the traditional candy wool.

NEUROPUBLIC Christmas party 2019 skating

Santa Claus was an essential part of the party, giving away Christmas presents and wishes to kids, who were photographed with him!

To the next year!