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The IoT4Potato project helps potato producers reduce their production costs and improve the quality of their product.

In short

Combining Internet of Things (IoT) technologies with Earth-surveying data, the Data-Driven Potato Production (IoT4Potato) project of IoF2020 helps farmers reduce the production cost of potato and improve their produce’s quality, while at the same time reducing its environmental footprint.

The project uses a network of IoT telemetry stations installed in potato cultivations, with the purpose of collecting atmospheric and soil data automatically, which are combined with satellite data, as well as with information relating to the cultivating tasks that the farmers themselves provide. Moreover, it utilises scientific models adapted to the specificities of the geographical areas, the different potato cultivars and the requirements of the selected markets.

The results feed the validation of an innovative business plan, specially designed for SMEs (Small- and Medium-sized Enterprises) and small scale producers, which is based on sharing the profits that stem from the cost reduction and the sale of the data to third-parties, while the farmers retain the control of their data.

IoF2020 has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no. 731884


Specific goals
  • Facilitation of Internet of Things technologies adoption by the farmers, with the existing cooperatives as a basis.
  • Providing of a solution close to the market in order to make more efficient use of the resources.
  • Development and operation of an IoT telemetry stations for measuring of the weather and soil conditions.
  • Ensuring the interoperability and protection of the models’ data, as well as the mechanisms of knowledge export and decision-making support.
  • Active participation of the local ecosystem of interested parties in every country, in the context of design and trials.
  • Development of a modular and adaptable system that can be utilised in diverse business cases.
Expected results
  • Nitrogen use efficiency +15% (€ 105 / ha / year)
  • Pesticides use -15% (€ 37,5 / ha / year)
  • Water consumption -25% (€ 132,5 / ha / year)
  • Total inputs costs -19% (€ 275 / ha / year)
  • Value increase of the product due to higher quality +10%