GM-REVEXP – Revenue and Expenditure Management

The “GM-REVEXP – Revenue and Expenditure Management” application has been designed in order to constitute a complete, autonomous and updated programme for monitoring the financial obligations of everyone who is obliged to record their transactions.

In short

The “GM-REVEXP – Revenue and Expenditure Management” electronic application has been designed, in order to constitute a complete, autonomous and updated programme for monitoring the financial obligations of the company, the liberal professional, the farmer and in general of everyone who is obliged to record their transactions.

The application in question is in full accordance to the Tax Code for Financial Transaction Mapping and the Tax Code for Income, and covers every need for correct and integrated financial monitoring. Additionally, it provides the possibility of upgrade to each amendment, change or annulment of the legislation.


This particular application has been designed in such a way as to provide ease of use, speed and immediate accessibility without complex installation. It is fully customizable, easily and quickly, in every particularity of its function module.

Through cloud technology it does not require an installation from the customer. On the contrary, it provides him with absolute protection via the company’s certified data centre, virus protection, and automated and continuous back-up. In this way, time is saved from tasks that are unnecessary for the company.

It can function completely autonomously without the need for other applications; it does, however, function excellently in combination with other applications such as the “GM VATREF – VAT Refund Management” and the ERP.

The functionalities of the specific application provide the users with the sense of security and satisfaction through:

  • The absolute data protection, which is guaranteed through a certified data centre, virus protection system and automated and continuous back-up
  • The saving of time from tasks that are unnecessary for the company
  • The photographical display of the tax documents with annual historicity, according to the relevant tax legislation