NEUROPUBLIC’s contribution to the AIOTI report on carbon footprint measurement

AIOTI – the Alliance for IoT and Edge Computing Innovation is a European network of organizations that aims to lead, promote, bridge and collaborate in IoT and Edge Computing and other converging technologies research and innovation, standardisation and ecosystem building, providing IoT and Edge Computing deployment for European businesses creating benefits for European society. NEUROPUBLIC […]

Press Release: Change in NEUROPUBLIC’s Board of Directors

Today, Friday July 16th 2021, the Annual General Assembly of NEUROPUBLIC’s shareholders took place at the company’s headquarters in Piraeus, Greece. The aim of the meeting was, among others, the approval of the annual financial statements for the fiscal year 1/1/2020-31/12/2020 and the election of the new Board of Directors that will manage the company […]

Change in NEUROPUBLIC’s Board of Directors

On Monday, September 10, 2018, a General Assembly of the shareholders of NEUROPUBLIC was held, aiming at the election of a new BoD and the approval of the new Strategic Development Plan of the company. The new Board of Directors The body of the General Assembly elected the new 7-member Board of Directors of the […]

NEUROPUBLIC to Boost Sustainable Avocado Farming in the Farmtopia Project

The EU project Farmtopia, running from 2023 to 2026, aims to make digital technologies accessible to all, including small- and medium-sized farmers. To transform farming practices across Europe, Farmtopia addresses the underdeveloped existing Agricultural Digital Solutions (ADSs), while also spotlighting regionally important crops, through 9 Sustainable Innovation Pilots. One of the Pilots happens to be […]

PRESS RELEASE: Collaboration between NEUROPUBLIC and Piraeus Bank for the sustainable development of the agrifood sector

NEUROPUBLIC and Piraeus Bank completed the first phase of their business collaboration, which regards the participation of Piraeus Bank in the company’s share capital. The specific strategic collaboration, through the acquisition of a 5% minority stake of NEUROPUBLIC S.A. by Piraeus Bank, is the culmination of the common vision of the two partners, with reference […]


The EU-funded DIVINE (DemonstratIng Value of agri data sharIng for boostiNg data Economy in agriculture) project aims to show the cost benefits and added value of sharing agri-data.

SoilWise First Milestone and SoilWise Repository Development Kick-Off

SoilWise Achieves end of Co-Design Phase at 1st development Cycle: A Momentous Step towards the project goal – building the SoilWise Repository Bruges, Belgium, April 2024 – Amidst the captivating ambiance of Bruges, Belgium, the SoilWise Project partners convened for an intensive three-day session, from the 25th -27th of March. The primary objectives included initiating […]

NEUROPUBLIC’s Nikos Kalatzis talks about the Technology Innovation Pillar of Ploutos

NEUROPUBLIC participates in the Ploutos Horizon 2020 project, which aims at re-balancing the agri-food value chain and making it more sustainable. Its gaiasense smart farming system plays a key role in the approach proposed by the project, helping farmers to produce more sustainably and improve their competitiveness. Nikos Kalatzis, NEUROPUBLIC’s Technical Project Manager, recently had […]

The Ploutos project kicks off with the participation of NEUROPUBLIC

The Ploutos Horizon 2020 project kicked off on the 22nd and 23rd of October and will pave the way for a more sustainable European agri-food value chain! Ploutos aims to create opportunities for changes that can rebalance the value chain in the agri-food system towards a more environmentally, socially and economically sustainable system. Until recently […]

Farmtopia: NEUROPUBLIC leads a European Project Paving the Way for Digital Farming Accessible to All

Farmtopia, a Horizon Europe project running from September 2023 to August 2026, aims to democratise digital farming, focusing on small-scale farmers. With 22 partners from 12 countries, Farmtopia addresses the limited adoption of Agricultural Digital Solutions (ADSs) despite substantial investments. These technological solutions hold potential to boost the economic and environmental performance of the agricultural […]

Our Ploutos project announces the official launch of its Sustainable Innovation Pilots!

The project has reached the 2nd year and is now officially deploying its Sustainable Innovation Pilots throughout Europe. Ploutos Horizon 2020 Project   NEUROPUBLIC participates in the Ploutos EU funded project that aims to re-balance value chains, in order to enhance win-win outcomes for different actors involved, such as farmers, cooperatives, agri-food companies, technology providers, […]

IoF2020 Use Case “Data-Driven Potato Production” coordinated by NEUROPUBLIC gets an extension

NEUROPUBLIC is the coordinator of Use Case 1.6 “Data-Driven Potato Production” which takes place in the context of the EU project Internet of Food & Farm 2020 (IoF2020), with the participation of: Wageningen University & Research (WUR) (Netherlands) Delphy (Netherlands) Agricultural Research Institute (Cyprus) Farm Frites Poland Dwa (Poland) LVagro (Ukraine) The specific activity is […]

NEUROPUBLIC’s participation and distinction at the 25th MARS Conference

NEUROPUBLIC participated in the 25th MARS Conference, the European Commission’s annual international event that facilitates the presentation and discussion of Member States’ experiences and general observations regarding the Integrated Administration and Control System (IACS), engaging both the public (e.g. Paying Agencies) and the private (e.g. providers of technology and solutions) sector. The event was co-organized […]

The DataBio project starts trials of 26 bioeconomy pilots

The development of a sustainable bioeconomy in Europe is expected to get a big boost from Big Data technologies thanks to a project co-funded by the EU’s Horizon 2020 programme. The European Union’s Data-Driven Bioeconomy (DataBio) project has announced the launch of 26 different pilot trials, which are already underway in 17 countries. They will […]

NEUROPUBLIC participates in the 23rd MARS Conference

NEUROPUBLIC participated in the 23rd MARS Conference, which took place between 28 and 29 November 2017 in Gormanston, Ireland. The Conference was organized by the Joint Research Center (JRC), in collaboration with the Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development (DG AGRI) and the Irish Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine (DAFM). The Conference aimed […]

NEUROPUBLIC in the Greek FabSpace 2.0 Open Day

NEUROPUBLIC was invited in the 1st Greek FabSpace 2.0 Open Day titled «New Business Models for the Exploitation of Earth Observation Applications and Opportunities for Business Development», which was hosted by Corallia on 8/3/2017. The aim of the event was the presentation of the FabSpace 2.0 platform to a wide audience consisting of students, researchers, […]

NEUROPUBLIC’s projects at the 9th Panhellenic Congress for the Development of Greek Agriculture

The 9th Panhellenic Congress for the Development of Greek Agriculture by GAIA EPICHEIREIN, which took place on Monday 17 July with a thematic focus on “Greek agriculture towards 2030: achieving sustainability with the support of the CAP”, was completed with great success and the participation of representatives from the entirety of the agri-food sector. More than 3.000 participants watched live and online 31 […]

NEUROPUBLIC at the Agrothessaly 2023 Fair

NEUROPUBLIC had a significant representation at the 13th Panhellenic Fair for Agriculture and Livestock Agrothessaly 2023 which took place between 9-12 of March 2023 at Larissa, Greece, in collaboration with TIF-HELEXPO. The aim of  the Fair, which took place after 4 years due to the COVID-19 pandemic, was to promote both Greek and global agricultural […]

NEUROPUBLIC participates in the Flagship Innovation Experiment 26 “Digitizing Open Field Vegetables”

NEUROPUBLIC participates in the Flagship Innovation Experiment 26 “Digitizing Open Field Vegetables” of the European project SmartAgriHubs. The specific activity regards the collaboration between NEUROPUBLIC, the Agricultural University of Athens, Marathon Bio-products and gaiasense as a Digital Innovation Hub, aiming to support the production of open field organic vegetables through innovative methods and gaiasense-based smart farming […]

NEUROPUBLIC’s gaiasense smart farming system awarded at Green Awards 2020

The innovative gaiasense smart farming system of NEUROPUBLIC was awarded the Silver Award in the Green Technology Concept category of Green Awards 2020. NEUROPUBLIC’s nomination in Pillar 3 “Sustainable Development / Operations / Technology” of the contest was among the ones selected for distinction by the judging committee and was based on the gaiasense smart […]

Presentation of NEUROPUBLIC’s Earth Observation services at a Copernicus workshop

On Thursday October 8, Praxi Network and BEYOND Center of Excellence of the National Observatory of Athens organized an online workshop themed “The contribution of the Copernicus programme in the development of specialized services for the environment and the citizens“. The workshop aimed at the presentation of services and products developed by Greek entities for […]

NEUROPUBLIC participates in teleconference on smart farming for cotton

NEUROPUBLIC participated in a teleconference on the application of its gaiasense smart farming services in cotton cultivation. The teleconference was organized by Thrakika Ekkokkistiria (Thrace Cotton Ginning Mills), NEUROPUBLIC’s strategic partner in the area of Rodopi, Northern Greece and took place on Wednesday 23rd of April. The aim of the teleconference, which was attended by […]

NEUROPUBLIC contributes to DIGITALEUROPE’s workshop on remote sensing and agriculture

NEUROPUBLIC was invited as one of the speakers in a Workshop on Smart Farming titled «Remote sensing-based farming: the sky is the limit», co-organized by DIGITALEUROPE, the European organization representing the digital technology industry, and GAIA EPICHEIREIN S.A. Brussels’ office. The workshop took place on 11/1/2017 in Brussels and aimed to record the current status […]

Participation of NEUROPUBLIC in the WEMED Conference

The aim of the Conference was the presentation of the ENICBC Med Programme (, a new tool that aims to support collaboration among Mediterranean countries. During the Conference, the main characteristics of the first call of the programme were presented, including the strategy, thematic areas of interest and priorities defined, along with funding opportunities in […]

NEUROPUBLIC’s Horizon Europe Project QuantiFarm launches its online Toolkit!

The QuantiFarm project has reached a major milestone: Τhe QuantiFarm Τoolkit, an inclusive online platform focused on Digital Agriculture Technology Solutions (DATS), is now available for users to explore. The QuantiFarm Toolkit: Purpose and Audience  The QuantiFarm project, in which NEUROPUBLIC actively participates, developed and implemented an Assessment Framework to evaluate the costs and benefits, […]

NEUROPUBLIC participates in EU pilot project that designs framework to evaluate the use of digital solutions for sustainable agriculture

Launched with the objective to assess the impacts of digitalisation in agriculture, QuantiFarm – a project that NEUROPUBLIC participates in – will develop and deploy a framework to evaluate the effectiveness and performance of digital tools that promise to modernise farming. How do we know what’s the best technology for a given farm? That’s the […]

Digital event for the dissemination of the LIFE GAIA Sense project outcomes

A digital event to present the outcomes of the LIFE GAIA Sense project The challenge of the digital transformation of the primary sector; smart farming and its role in minimizing environmental impact; the roadmap to a more sustainable production with lower inputs, higher yields and better quality; the implementation of more efficient farming methods. These […]

NEUROPUBLIC participates in the 4th International Electronic Conference on Remote Sensing

The 4th International Electronic Conference on Remote Sensing, part of the International Electronic Conference on Remote Sensing series, took place online between 25–27 of January 2022. Focusing on “Advances in Remote Sensing for the 17 Sustainable Development Goals”, the Conference aimed to promote the use of remote sensing and geospatial information technology, address challenging problems, […]

Meeting between the Chairman of Piraeus Bank and NEUROPUBLIC’s executives

On Friday 19 June a meeting took place between executives of the Piraeus Bank and NEUROPUBLIC, at the company’s headquarters at Piraeus, Greece. Mr. Giorgos Chatzinikolaou, Piraeus Bank Chairman and Mr. Christodoulos Antoniadis, Management Consultant for Commercial & Agricultural Banking visited NEUROPUBLIC and met with company’s founder Mr. Tasos Gargalakos, CEO Mrs. Roza Gargalakou and […]

SmartOliveGrove: NEUROPUBLIC’s smart farming services for improved olive production in Western Greece

NEUROPUBLIC is the coordinator of the SmartOliveGrove project, which aims at improving olive production in the area of Aetoloakarnania, Western Greece. In the context of SmartOliveGrove, NEUROPUBLIC is working closely with the Laboratory of Plant Production of the University of Patras towards the design and develop the necessary scientific models needed by the smart farming […]

NEUROPUBLIC promotes PoliRural at the Agrotica 2020 International Fair

NEUROPUBLIC participated in the 28th Agrotica International Fair, which took place at Thessaloniki, Greece between 30/1 and 2/2/2020. This year, the Fair received more than 161,00 visitors and more than 2,000 exhibitors from 46 different countries. NEUROPUBLIC and GAIA EPICHEREIN, both partners of the PoliRural Horizon 2020 project, had a strong presence during the 4 […]

Successful participation of NEUROPUBLIC at the 28th Agrotica International Fair

The joint presence of NEUROPUBLIC and GAIA EPICHEIREIN at this year’s 28th Agrotica, the International Fair for Agricultural Machinery, Equipment & Supplies Exhibition was crowned with great success. A high number of visitors visited Pavilion 2, Stands 34 & 36 and were informed by executives of both companies on the innovative products and services that […]


LASIE (Large Scale Information Exploitation of Forensic Data) is a European project that aims to design and realise a new platform, which will aid analysts in crime research.

Kiato – Lettuce

It concerns a collaboration between NEUROPUBLIC and the 1st Vocational High School of Kiato, in the scope of the NRUOPUBLIC’s corporate social responsibility actions.

Larissa – Cotton

The plain of Larissa is one of the main cotton producing areas in Greece and in collaboration with the Farmers’ Cooperative of Thessaly “ΘΕΣγη” (THESgi), cotton farming is supported by the smart farming services of gaiasense.

Vrontou Pierias – Kiwi

The smart farming services of gaiasense support kiwi farming in Vrountou, Pieria, in collaboration with the Agricultural Cooperative Consortium “ΠΕΣΚΟ – ΣΠΕΚΟ” (PESKO – SPEKO).

Stylida – Olives

gaiasense supports olive farming with its smart farming services in the region of Stylida as well, in collaboration with the Agricultural Olive Cooperative of Stylida.

Velventos – Peach

The smart farming services of gaiasense are applied to fresh peach farming in collaboration with the innovative agricultural cooperative ASEPOP Velventos.

Larissa – Industrial tomato

The smart farming services of gaiasense support the cultivation of industrial tomato in the plains of Thessaly in collaboration with the “THESTO” Agricultural Cooperative (ΘΕΣΤΟ).

Messolonghi – Olives

In collaboration with the Agricultural Cooperative of Messolonghi and Nafpaktia “I Enosi” (in English: “The Union”), gaiasense’s smart farming services are applied to olive tree farming in order to achieve production optimization.


In 2014, NEUROPUBLIC undertook a large Informatics project on behalf of the Ministry of Rural Development and Food (MRDF) and OPEKEPE as the implementing body.

Privacy Policy

The present Privacy Policy refers to information collected by NEUROPUBLIC S.A. and explains the way this information is treated, stored and protected from NEUROPUBLIC S.A.. By using this webpage or any other element related to applications, platforms, or its software, the user consents in the collection, use and storage of their personal data as described […]

Development of telemetric stations

Research and complete development of technologies and infrastructures in the field of smart farming, is a strategic choice of the company. NEUROPUBLIC has a modern laboratory with regard to the Embedded/IoT R&D Department.


NEUROPUBLIC incorporates Internet of Things (IoT) technology in the telemetric stations we design and develop in our own Research and Development laboratory.

Earth Observation

Satellite Remote Sensing or Earth Observation is the collection of data concerning an object or any phenomenon without having physical contact with it.

NEUROPUBLIC’s smart farming approach presented at the “Mathematics in the era of the 4th Industrial Revolution” Symposium

Between 29 and 30 of May 2019, a Symposium titled “Mathematics in the era of the 4th Industrial Revolution” was held at the National Hellenic Research Foundation, in the context of the scientific activities of the Interdisciplinary Program of Postgraduate Studies “Mathematical Modeling in Contemporary Technologies and Finance” and the “Financial Engineering and Mathematical Optimization” Laboratory. The […]

Smart Farming Services for Tobacco – Agreement between SEKE & NEUROPUBLIC

The agreement The Cooperative Union of Tobacco Producers in Greece (S.E.K.E S.A.) and NEUROPUBLIC S.A., signed today 15-2-2019, an agreement regarding the further development and adoption of smart farming services, aiming at the optimization of tobacco production by tobacco producers of S.E.K.E. The agreement will render both S.E.K.E. and Greece pioneers regarding tobacco production as […]

NEUROPUBLIC at the Zootechnia 2019 International Fair

Zootechnia is the only specialised international event in Greece and the Balkans regarding livestock and poultry. It was held for the 11th time from 31 January to 3 February 2019 at the Thessaloniki International Exhibition Centre (TIF Helexpo). NEUROPUBLIC and GAIA EPICHEREIN participated in the aforementioned Fair that attracted more than 70,000 visitors, among which farmers and farm owners, agricultural advisors, agricultural […]

HETiA @IOT Solutions World Congress 2018 – Barcelona, 16-18 October 2018

mi- Cluster, the Greek Silver Labeled Cluster in the area of Microelectronics and the Emerging Technologies, in collaboration with the Greek official agency Enterprise Greece, organizes the Greek participation in one of the largest international exhibitions of the sector, IOT Solutions World Congress 2018. The mission takes place under the coordination of Corallia and the […]

Presentation of DataBio and its pilots at Copa-Cogeca’s Research & Innovation WP meeting

The Copa-Cogeca ad hoc Working Party on Research and Innovation held its latest meeting at Brussels, on June 4, 2018. Dr. Nikolaos Marianos represented GAIA EPICHEIREIN and NEUROPUBLIC to the meeting, in order to present the DataBio Horizon 2020 project as one of the R&I projects selected by the WP. Dr. Marianos presented the concept of the DataBio project, its pilots and the respective mature applications, focusing […]

Participation of NEUROPUBLIC in the 2nd General Assembly of AIOTI

NEUROPUBLIC participated in the second General Assembly of AIOTI (Alliance for the Internet of Things Innovation –, as one of its members. The meeting took place on June 30th, 2017 in Brussels, Belgium with more than 100 participants. The organizations represented in the meeting included IBM, Texas Instruments, Philips Lighting, Huawei, Nokia, Samsung, Dell, […]

Participation of NEUROPUBLIC in EIP-AGRI’s Seminar on digital innovation in agriculture

NEUROPUBLIC participated in the EIP-AGRI Seminar titled “Digital Innovation Hubs: mainstreaming digital agriculture”, which took place between the 1st and 2nd of June 2017 in Kilkenny, Ireland.   More than 150 participants from various EU countries attended the seminar, representing SMEs, public sector organizations, regional authorities, agricultural research centers, EU-funded projects and policy makers, among […]

NEUROPUBLIC participation in the IVOA 2017 international meeting in Shanghai

On May 14-19, the International Alliance of Virtual Observers (IVOA) for 2017 was held in Shanghai, the largest city in China.   The meeting was organized by the Chinese Virtual Observatory and the Shanghai Astronomical Observatory funded by the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), China’s National Science Foundation (NSFC) and Inspur Corporation. The meeting was […]

NEUROPUBLIC certified with the PCI-DSS standard

NEUROPUBLIC SA. was certified on 04.03.2017 according to the International Standard PCI-DSS (Payment Card Industry – Data Security Standard) for full compliance with the regulations of PCI-DSS Data-Security, as an IT company involved in the transaction chain that provides cloud services. According to the Standard, the company implements and is fully compliant to all requirements and […]

Code Generator – an innovative technology by NEUROPUBLIC S.A.

NEUROPUBLIC S.A., approaching 15 years of successful presence in Greece, organized an event on Saturday, February 11th 2017 at the Hellenic Motor Museum, in the center of Athens. During the event, which was attended by more than 300 guests, the course and activities of the company during 2016 were presented, along with its targets and […]

NEUROPUBLIC in AIOTI’s Working Group 06 meeting

NEUROPUBLIC was one of the organizations participating in the meeting of AIOTI’s Working Group on “Smart Farming and Food Security”, in which companies including Bayer, IBM, Siemens, COPA COGECA (as the voice of European farmers and farmers’ cooperatives) and CEMA (representing innovators & developers of agricultural machinery in Europe) to name a few, as well […]

NEUROPUBLIC becomes member of the Big Data Value Association (BDVA)

NP is currently working on the integration and management of large volumes of heterogeneous types of data (such as the ones provided by UAVs, Copernicus Earth Observation Data, environmental& soil, maps, business data etc.), in order to provide advanced Smart Farming services which aim to increase production both quantitatively and qualitatively while at the same […]

NEUROPUBLIC is officially a member of GODAN

NEUROPUBLIC is officially a member of GODAN (Global Open Data for Agriculture and Nutrition –, a global initiative which supports the proactive sharing of open data to make information about agriculture and nutrition available, accessible and usable to deal with the urgent challenge of ensuring world food security. NEUROPUBLIC designs and develops Smart Farming […]

NEUROPUBLIC’s contribution in MED Hackathon

NEUROPUBLIC was one of the supporters of MED Hackathon (, an international event which was hosted at the Conference & Cultural Center of the University of Patras, Greece between 13-15/7/2016, aiming to facilitate the exchange of experiences and knowledge in the field of open data, as well as its exploitation in different sectors. MED Hackathon […]