News ◦ 20—07—2020

Meeting of SmartAgriHubs Flagship Innovation Experiment 26

News ◦ 20—07—2020

On Thursday July 15, the Flagship Innovation Experiment 26 (FIE26) of the SmartAgriHubs Horizon 2020 project held a meeting. In FIE26, NEUROPUBLIC is working with the Agricultural University of Athens and Marathon Bio Products and the meeting took place at the premises of Marathon Bio Products at Marathon, Greece.

The aim of the meeting was the overview of the Experiment’s status, the planning for the 3rd data collection period and the definition of the next steps. In addition, in the context of the meeting, soil sampling took place from selected spots of the parcels that participate in FIE26, aiming to assess the nutritional status of the soil and to feed the smart fertilization service.

The specific Flagship Innovation Experiment aims at monitoring and optimizing the production of open field organic vegetables, including broccoli. By doing so, the FIE improves the efficiency of agricultural operations whilst at the same time reducing the environmental impacts by mitigating resource inputs such as water, fertilisers or biopesticides.

FIE26 is based on the use of drones, satellite data and IoT devices, such as the agrometeorological telemetric stations of gaiasense.

NEUROPUBLIC‘s gaiasense smart farming system plays a key role in the experiment, through the acquisition of atmospheric and soil data by its stations, as well as the use of scientific models for irrigation, fertilization and crop protection which are developed for each crop and adapted in the microclimatic conditions of the area.