The Improvement Plans are an investment measure that concerns supporting investments, which aim at the improvement of the agricultural holdings competitiveness, as well as at investments that contribute to the use of renewable energy sources and environmental protection.

In short

“GS Measure 4.1 – Improvement Plans” provides the agricultural consultant the capability of carrying out the basic pre-admission check in combination to a series of functionalities, which are shortly described below:

  • Creation of potential investor’s file
  • Calculation of the standard efficiency and Man Working Units
  • Conducting the eligibility check
  • Creation of an investment plan
  • Conducting an investment expenditure eligibility check
  • Rating calculation
  • Capability of attaching the necessary supporting documents
  • Management and monitoring of the eligibility supporting documents for the potential investor and the investment expenditure
  • Calculation of the aid percentage


The sum of the regulatory framework that governs the respective Measure has been fully codified and respectively customized.

The codification includes, among other things, the sum of the eligible investment expenditures along with their correlation with a string of information (reasonable investment expenditure cost, measurement units, capacity for investment expenditure a.o.), in order for the necessary checks to be conducted during the creation of the investment plans.

The customization has been done in such a way as to reflect and support, respectively, each Region’s Strategy with its different targets and priority sectors.

It ensures the immediate update of the interested parties and supports the swift and easy completion of the candidacy file, ensuring – to the allowed degree – the eradication of mistakes by utilising warning and forbidding messages. Additionally, the complete codification of the information and the functionalities of the application confer the capability of managing and monitoring a multitude of candidacy files.