Staff Subsystem

  • Field of Interest: E-government

The “Staff subsystem” that NEUROPUBLIC has developed for the Local Government Organisations and the agencies of the Public Sector, allows to authorized users the staff management, the creation and update of forms containing the full details of the employees that pertain to the whole of their career.

In short

Indicatively, the details of the employees that are inputted to the application are the following:

  • Personal details
  • Rating details
  • Salary details
  • Absences
  • Years of service – Previous experience
  • Disciplinary penalties
  • Education details (degrees, foreign languages, seminars)

At the same time, the users are provided with the capability to conduct a multitude of functions that facilitate their job.


Indicative functions of the subsystem:
  • Judgements from superiors with automated points’ calculation.
  • Service evaluations with automated points’ calculation.
  • Interaction to the staff subsystem (with regard to the step performance connection, the cataloguing of absences, the hiring-firing of employees) with the payroll subsystem (issuing the salary that takes into account the aforementioned data).
  • Issuing statistical details for the Ministry of Interior.
  • Multi-criteria indexes for Employees, Changes and Absences, which provide a printing option.
  • Issuing a multitude of printouts in order to cover the needs of the Personnel Department (e.g. Organogram, Yearbook, Recruitment Notification, Personal Enlistment Card, Payroll Enlistment, Salary Step Progression, Table of Promoted Employees, Change Details, Disciplinary Penalties, Certifications, Quarterly Remuneration Payment, Attestations, Supreme Council for Civil Personnel Selection (ASEP) Table, Statistics).
Payroll subsystem

Through the payroll subsystem, the authorised user is offered the capability to update the details in the employees’ payroll card (gross salary, overtime, deductions, tax) that concern the whole of their career in the employing agency.

At the same time the users have the option to execute a multitude of functions that facilitate their work.

Indicative functions of the subsystem:

  • Calculating all different kinds of salaries that are provided through legislation
  • Issuing of payroll reports
  • Interaction to the staff subsystem (with regard to the step performance connection, the cataloguing of absences, the hiring-firing of employees) with the payroll subsystem (issuing the salary that takes into account the aforementioned data).
  • Complete interconnection of the payroll subsystem with the expenditure subsystem and automatic display of the payroll data that are included in payroll reports in public accounting.
  • Issuing of files to the Single Payment Authority Application (EAP; payroll.xml files), for the Detailed Periodic Declaration (APD; CSL01 files), for Attestations of remuneration for paid services (JL10 files) and option for their validity check.
  • Checks and comparisons of numeric data/employees that pertain to calculated salaries of different periods.
  • Automated update of each employee’s loan instalments in cases of monthly changes in the amounts.
  • Multi-criteria index for employees that provide the option for issuing printouts.
  • Group input of payroll details to a multitude of employees
  • Automated input of overtime
  • Issuing a multitude of printouts in order to cover the needs of the Payroll Department (e.g. Payment receipt – option to send it via e-mail, Confirmation of monthly payroll earnings, Monthly Employees-Expenditures Report, Salary Cessation Slip, Yearly Earnings Registry, Social Security Institution (IKA) employer’s confirmation, Detailed Periodic Declaration Amendment Form, printout for monitoring of the salary cost and of the insurance deductions)