News ◦ 30—03—2017

Code Generator – an innovative technology by NEUROPUBLIC S.A.

News ◦ 30—03—2017

NEUROPUBLIC S.A., approaching 15 years of successful presence in Greece, organized an event on Saturday, February 11th 2017 at the Hellenic Motor Museum, in the center of Athens.
During the event, which was attended by more than 300 guests, the course and activities of the company during 2016 were presented, along with its targets and plans for 2017 and beyond.

The event provided the opportunity to the Director of Production and Development Dr. George Mamais to present the company’s innovative technologies which were developed and integrated into its products and services during the last years, and rendered the company as one of the most competitive and productive ones in the Greek market of Information Technologies and Cloud services.
One of the most interesting technologies presented was the Code Generator / NeuroCode, an innovative technology at a global level, which allows the automatic interconnection of code developed by different software modeling tools. Using the Code Generator, the code is produced automatically, thus avoiding the time consuming and error-prone traditional (manual) programming methodology.
The Code Generator technology was developed by a team of Information engineers of NEUROPUBLIC’s Research & Development Department, in the context of a collaboration between the company and the European Space Agency, based on the company’s expertise on the specific subject.

You can find more information about the Code Generator in the interview of Dr. Mamais, coordinator of the NeuroCode’s design and development team, for the newspaper Ypaithros Chora.